Generating Disruptive Ideas for the Hyper-Digital Era

Disruptive ideas don’t just happen - they must be championed. In doing so, intrapreneurs must address two fundamental truths when leading big idea innovation: that of value creation and that of persuasive communication. If you want to learn how to scale innovation across your enterprise and create a disciplined approach for creating market-changing ideas, One Hour Innovator is a great place to start.

How to use Systems Thinking to Unearth Innovation Opportunities

It used to be that "systems thinking" was a specialty reserved for a select few intellectuals. Now that it's clear every element of our work is part of a larger system that visibly and invisibly shapes our individual and organizational opportunities and risks, it's time for all us, and especially those looking towards innovation, to become systems thinkers. Why? Understanding system dynamics provides insights into where innovation will have a high payback, explains Kay Plantes.

2020-07-10T14:50:34-07:00November 1st, 2011|Categories: Idea Management, Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , |