What are the Differences and Advantages between a Specialist and a Generalist? 

In building your career, you're likely asked to choose one of two tracks: to become a specialist or to pursue the path of a generalist. This article takes a look at advantages and disadvantages of choosing either of these two paths, and discusses some grey area in between.

Cutting Complexity with Lisa Bodell of Futurethink

In this episode, Lisa and Mark reconvene to share more essential tools for leaders and teams to simplify their work environment from her second book, Why Simple Wins, they explore insights into how companies like SAP, Southwest Airlines and Syngenta are putting simplification principles into action. Join us to learn how simplicity can give you and your organisation the competitive edge of our time!

Interplay of Innovation and Complexity

We hear often that smaller companies innovate better as they are more flexible, faster and creative as compared to larger organisations. This is all but half true. Its not the size of an organisation that decelerates the innovative pace-rather complexity. Hence organisations seeking sustainable growth need to find the balance between innovation and complexity.

Fueling the recovery with new, high-octane business models

According to a recent survey of 65 senior executives of global companies, the large majority of firms are looking for innovation to drive growth. But they're not necessarily looking for the next great product or product feature. Instead, companies are putting greater focus on business models that create value for customers in new ways.