
How do you prepare to overcome the implementation barriers in an open innovation environment? What types of issues need to be considered? How can you prevent fear of violated IPR issues becoming show-stoppers in your open innovation process? And how can common pitfalls be avoided? These are some of the challenges covered in this IM Channel One webinar.

Induct shared important findings from their last three years of studies and research projects from innovation practice:

  • How do you prepare to overcome the implementation barriers in an open innovation environment?
  • What types of issues need to be considered?
  • How to prevent fear of violated IPR issues becoming show-stoppers in your open innovation process?
  • How can common pitfalls be avoided?


About Induct and the Theoretical framework

InductInduct has been inspired by research from leading authorities and well as leading companies’ innovation practice through several years. Induct’s theoretical framework is very much inspired by professor Henry Chesbrough who is heading the Induct Academic Advisory Board, where his ideas are put into practice. Induct has studied innovation practice in more than 250 organizations. The results and key findings have been transformed into a substantial knowledge base made available thought the Induct Academy™ and Induct Innovation Community™. In addition to sharing knowledge with clients and partners, Induct also participate in several research projects, and as experts in the European Standardization Committee for innovation management system. For more information see